Photo by Lisa Vortman

Location: The Lexington Standard 3469 18th St – Mission District – San Francisco CA *TEMPORARY*

Created during the beginning of the covid-19 pandemic in 2020 this temporary mural encouraged mask wearing during a time of much uncertainty. Partnered with Paint the Void, this mural was part of a massive effort to beautify the boarded up city and bring art to the masses.

The mural itself was featured at ‘The City Canvas’ and this is what Paint the Void had to say:

““Doing our part” during Covid often means helping to keep each other safe. For example, making masks and donating them to essential workers is one way citizens have contributed to public safety and thanked those on the front lines. Echoing another time when Americans needed to come together, The Tracy Piper’s mural envisions a new, polka-dot bandana-wearing “Rosie the Riveter.” In WWII Rosie was a cultural icon who represented everyone in factories and shipyards, including women, working to do their part for the war effort. 
While this mural was on the street, it attracted many other mark makers. The Tracy Piper returned to fix the face but left the rest available to be adorned. This beautiful interplay shows that everyone is in this together as a community, that each voice can and should matter and that no single artist owns the streets.”

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